The Michael J. Tarpinian Opportunity Fund, established to honor Mike's 30-year tenure at the agency, provides resources to people as they seek to overcome a barrier to a better life.

The Michael J. Tarpinian Opportunity Fund helps families meet basic needs. It helps individuals in recovery get back on their feet. 


  • Shelter/housing
  • Food and clothing
  • Access to healthcare or childcare
  • Transportation
  • Other basic needs

You can honor Mike’s legacy by donating to this fund. Use the fields below to submit your gift electronically. Checks can be made payable to The Opportunity Alliance, indicating that it should be directed to the Michael J. Tarpinian OPPORTUNITY FUND and mailed to:


The Opportunity Alliance

50 Lydia Lane

South Portland, ME 04106


For gifts of stock, or if you would like other information, please contact:


Development & Communications – 207-523-5051 or


Michael J. Tarpinian Opportunity Fund